A device enabling the preset carriage stroke of a screen printer frame machine to effect the resultant stroke of the screen support frame according to any desired ratio. Transmission gear means effect this desired resultant stroke and comprise gear racks mounted on the carriage and a carrier bar for the screen support frame and three gear wheels mounted on two spindles on a fixed support, the single gear wheel meshing with the gear rack on the carriage, the other two gear wheels meshing with the single gear wheel and the gear rack on the carrier bar respectively.
It is known that screen printer frame using silk screens and a squeegee for applying ink on objects to be printed comprise mechanical means adapted to provide the screen or the squeegee with reciprocating longitudinal movement while the other of the screen or squeegee is fixed in the longitudinal direction.
In the case of printing on flat objects, the screen is fixed and the squeegee effects reciprocating movement along the surface of the screen causing the ink to pass through the screen onto the article.
In the case of
screen printer frame on articles with curved surfaces in particular cylinders, the silk screen must pass tangentially to the article to be printed, the article being held so that its axis is in the horizontal position while the squeegee is maintained in a fixed position parallel to the axis of the article.